=== To Top === Contributors: catchplugins, catchthemes, sakinshrestha, pratikshrestha, maheshmaharjan, dreamsapana Donate link: https://catchplugins.com/plugins/to-top/ Tags: to top, scroll up, arrow, button, icon, link to top, scroll, back to top, scroll to top, scroll top, scroll up, simple scroll to top, simple back to top, smooth scroll Requires at least: 4.8 Tested up to: 5.2 Stable tag: trunk License: GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3) License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt To Top is a nifty lightweight plugin. It adds a highly customizable button, which when clicked, scrolls up smoothly to the top of a page. == Description == To Top Plugin adds a floating scroll up box at the bottom right side (by default) of the page when scrolled down and, when clicked, rolls smoothly to the top. This is convenient when you have a long page, and you want to give your visitors an easy way to get back to the top. When a page or post has heaps of content, visitors have to scroll down to read those content. As they scroll below, all the navigational links go up. When visitors are done with the reading, they need to scroll up to see what else is there on your website. This can be very tedious. To Top Plugin adds a scroll up button that quickly gets visitors to the top of the page in a matter of milliseconds. Also, the transition is smooth and improves user experience. The other great thing about this plugin is you don’t have to touch a single code of your template. ### Features * Displays an icon when user scrolls down the page * Live Preview via Customizer * Scrolls the page back to top with animation * Set icon/image opacity * Set icon(dashicons) or image as to top button * For icon, set background color, icon color, icon size and icon shape(from square to circle) * Set any image you want * Set image width * Set the location of the icon * Show/hide To Top button in admin pages. * Auto hide * Hide on small devices = Premium Support = Catch Plugins team does not provide support for the To Top plugin on the WordPress.org forums. Support is provided at [To Top Support Forum](https://catchplugins.com/support-forum/forum/to-top/) = Translation = To Top plugin is translation ready. == Installation == You can download and install To Top plugin using the built in WordPress plugin installer. If you download To Top manually, make sure it is uploaded to "/wp-content/plugins/to-top/". Activate To Top in the "Plugins" admin panel using the "Activate" link. You'll then see To Top dashboard from which you can enable or disable the button as per your need. == Screenshots == 1. Basic Settings 2. Icon Settings 3. Image Settings 4. Advanced Settings 5. Reset Settings == Changelog == = 1.9 (Released: August 20, 2019) = * Added: Option to turn off Catch Themes and Catch Plugin tabs * Compatibility check up to version 5.2 * Updated: Catch Themes and Catch Plugins tabs displaying code = 1.8.1 (Released: February 21, 2019) = * Added: French language translation by Hubert = 1.8 (Released: February 21, 2019) = * Compatibility check up to Version 5.1 = 1.7 (Released: December 12, 2018) = * Added: Catch Themes and Catch Plugins tabs in Add themes and Add plugins page respectively * Added: Themes by Catch Themes section under Themes panel in customizer * Compatibility check up to Version 5.0 = 1.6 (Released: May 07, 2018) = * Compatibility check up to version 4.9.5 * Update: Moved domain from catchthemes.com to catchplugins.com = 1.5.6 = * Replaced: div with span (Reported by: jacktester) = 1.5.5 = * Bug Fixed: Translation issue, replace top-up text domain to to-top in to-top-admin-display.php file ( Reported By: Guillaume Blet ) = 1.5.4 = * Compatibility check up to version 4.9 = 1.5.3 = * Compatibility check up to version 4.8 = 1.5.2 = * Bug Fixed: Default value of 'margin_x' in customizer ( Reported By: sherrif02 ) * Bug Fixed: Condition check for CSS ( Reported By: sherrif02 ) * Updated: Make image link protocol-less http:// or https:// to // ( Reported By: pianoworld ) = 1.5.1 = * Bug Fixed: array_merge issue in some php versions = 1.5 = * Bug Fixed: Display on hover without scrolling issue = 1.4 = * Compatibility check up to version 4.7 = 1.3 = * Compatibility check up to version 4.6 = 1.2 = * Changed: http to https in links * Bug Fixed: Sanitize callback, saving only changed value and other to null. = 1.1 = * Added Genericons Support * Added Font Awesome Support = 1.0 = * Initial Release