=== WP Content Copy Protection & No Right Click === Contributors: wp-buy Tags: content, content copy protection, content protection, copy protection, prevent copy, protect blog, image protect, image protection, no right click, plagiarism, secure content, content theft Requires at least: 4.8 Tested up to: 6.1 Stable tag: 3.5.2 This wp plugin protect the posts content from being copied by any other web site author (content copy protection) , you dont want your content to spread without your permission!! == Description == This wp plugin protect the posts content from being copied by any other web site author , you dont want your content to spread without your permission!! The plugin will keep your posts and home page protected by multiple techniques (JavaScript + CSS), this techniques does not found in any other wordpress plugin and you will own it for free with this plugin
  • PRO Version Features
  • **Easy to Install**: Read the installation steps to find that this plugin does not need any coding or theme editing, just use your mouse.. **Basic Features:** **The Pro Edition Features include:** == Screenshots == 1. WP Content Copy Protection premium admin page 2. Get ful control over context menue 3. Watermarking options 4. Watermarking samples == Installation == **Installation steps** == Changelog == = 3.5.2 = = 3.5.1 = = 3.4.9 = = 3.4.8 = = 3.4.7 = = 3.4.6 = = 3.4.5 = = 3.4.4 = = 3.4.3 = = 3.4.2 = = 3.4.1 = = 3.4.1 = = 3.4 = = 3.1.5 = = 3.1.4 = = 3.1.3 = = 3.1.2 = = 3.1 = = 2.9 = = 2.8.1 = = 2.7 = = 2.6 = = 2.5 = = 2.4 = = 2.3 = = 2.2 = = 2.1 = = 1.9 = = 1.8 = = 1.7.3 = = 1.7.2 = = 1.7.1 = = 1.7 = = 1.6.2 = = 1.6 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 1.0 =